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The curriculum is everything your child learns. Our curriculum is guided by the Early Years Learning Framework and Victoria Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF), which conveys the highest expectations for all children’s learning from birth to pre-school age. It has the following five Learning Outcomes:

  • Children have a strong identity
  • Children are well connected with and contribute to their world
  • Children have a strong sense of well being
  • Children are confident and involved learners
  • Children are effective communicators

We use VEYLDF and EYLF as tools to assist educators and collaborate with children and families to achieve the best learning outcomes for each child.

Our educators observe children at play and support their learning. We gather a variety of resources to shape our curriculum plan. These resources include each child’s interests, family input/suggestions, intentional teaching, each child’s portfolios, learning stories, observations, daily reflection, each child’s spontaneous experiences, group experiences, extension ideas, supporting skills and development.

Our curriculum allows your child to naturally develop and have the opportunity to guide his/her learning. Activity outcomes and individual observations about your child are documented in your child’s files on the KidsXap, where you can access at any time. Those documents also assist in extending his/her skills and abilities.

The following diagram shows how we plan the program.

Early Years Learning Framework

Belonging, Being and Becoming – The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) describes the principles, practices and outcomes that support and enhance young children’s learning from birth to five years of age, as well as their transition to school.

The framework is a key component of the National Quality Framework for early childhood education and care. The EYLF was developed by the Australian and state and territory governments with input from the early childhood sector and early childhood academics. It has incorporated feedback from a consultation process, including two national symposiums, national public consultation forums, focus groups, an online forum and case-study trials.

The framework offers a vision where ‘all children experience learning that is engaging and builds success for life’. It has been designed so that early childhood services will be able to develop their strategies to implement their objectives.

School Readiness Program

We offer a extensive School Readiness program for children aged 3-4 years old and 4-5 years old that is based on the National Early Years Learning Framework. This play-basedlearning program provides the most appropriate stimulus for brain development to your child, which includes early literacy and numeracy and social and emotional development.

Through this program will guide your childto be an effective learner and help your child in developing all areas necessary for success now and in later years.

Extra-Curricular Programs

All children have the opportunity to participate in our wonderful and enjoyable extra-curricular activities.These are not only fun but also enrich each child’s language, communication, creativity and concentration

These programs include

  • Mandarin Classes
  • Cooking Classes